The world's first MFU+4RF SD Focus Pull Technology
New Doublo™ SD Micro Carving Lifting Treatment
New DoubloTM's SD Synergy Dotting technology is the world's first, dual-technology synchronization, micro-focused ultrasound (Micro-Focused Ultrasound-MFU) and 4-pole radio frequency (Multi Radio Frequency-RF). MFU delivers focused ultrasound to the designated cortex in a fixed-point manner, while RF heats the skin through a circle, which synergistically exerts a dual lifting effect. Deep lifting can smooth wrinkles at the same time, and effectively reduce the discomfort and swelling of the nursing process. The experience and effects of the treatment have reached a higher level, achieving an immediate effect of firming and lifting.
Patented triple safety and non-burning technology
Slim and flexible treatment head design with various micro-engravings
Back-and-forth treatment head intensive coverage
High-speed operation reduces sensory burden
Portable monitor display
10 MFU+4RF+FL treatment heads mixed treatment method
Three-effect mixed synergistic treatment
Create a bright skin texture and three-dimensional contours to rebuild elasticity
基 於 C o n B i o TM 的 Q 開 關 激 光 技 術 , R e v l i t e S l 是 一款 多 波 長 激 光 系 統 ,提 供 高 效 ,高 功 率 且 舒 適 的 治 療 。 通 過 高 峰 值 功 率 及 均 勻 的 平 頂 波 光 束 輪 廓 ,R e v L i t e SITM的療程一致性高,術後併發症的風險更低。在煥膚方面,Revlite SI 利用 獨有的光聲技術脈衝PhotoAcoustic Technology PulseTM(PTP)達到卓越的膠原 蛋白重建 。配合SI 探頭,光斑尺寸能以0. 1毫米為單位微調並能被系統自動識別• 從而實現快速及精準的治療 。
First trial price: $998 /2 times
*The offer is only for arms and waist.
*Only the first experience for new customers
Especially suitable for:
. Excessive fat on arms, waist and thighs
. Loose body skin
細滑面肌即將出現你的面上。劃時代皇者醫療級C10激光祛斑療程。雙重光震波,更徹底擊碎面上黑色素。無痛楚 無傷口,長久效果。